
About Rochester’s Flag

Our flag salutes our remarkable past, assures us within our challenging present and beckons us to embrace our promising future.

The Stars - Rochester’s Past, Present, Future

One star speaks to our extraordinary history much enriched by the Franciscan Sister’s tireless service, generosity and devotion to duty that lives still through the community, to the Mayo’s genius and to an industrious and responsive community that enabled something very exceptional to flower here.

Another star speaks of today and is rich with our energy, confidence and charity.

A third star tells of a tomorrow filled with hope, high expectations and a duty to turn opportunities into achievements.

The Blues - Rochester’s Life

The symbols sit upon a blue night sky that covers all throughout our land.

The lighter blue reflects our rivers and lakes.

The Golden Circle - Rochester’s Community

The golden circle declares the city’s inclusiveness and the richness, reward and potential that brings to our proud, diverse community.